What is Nanoknife?來自Miami Valley Hospital 的 Shannon Kauffman, MD

  soon and i think is a uh... procedure where we can insert probes into the body

  using imaging guidance of c_t_ scan or ultrasound guidance

  answer prose into



  once we get those probes positioned within the tumors we than they had been

  to the man i visit use electricity

  solely electricity tumor

  and in that opens up a little tiny holes in the cells of the tumor cells

  those cells than a week out their contents without money undergo

  natural cell death

  the advantage of the nam life over other

  technology such as radiofrequency ablation which is is he to war cry

  elation which uses freezing

  is that upenn

  use this to killed the tumor but it leaves the structure or

  this running structures impact

  so it leaves the proteins untouched annalise whatever structure in a mere

  untouched reasonably

  get rid of tissue next to blood vessels

  you can

  uh... be near file dot she can be next colin or small our believes those

  structures untouched

  whereas it will still going to kill the tumor

  so it's very precise it has to be the needles have to be

  one point five pt two centimeters part you can put of a rite of needles and

  anywhere from two to seven needles in place or more than that and shape

  if a tumors abnormally shaped

  you can shape your

  so killing zone

  around to whatever the tumor shakers

  we can be right next to the a border right next to be blood vessels

  and those blood vessels will continue to

  they kill themselves there's no injury to the blood vessel themselves because

  that structure is left behind

  how i hereby valley where

  refers to bring us to tell

  and we certainly have most experience in doing this uh... we've been doing this

  for a number of years now and it's in a large number of patients

  and that experience i think uh... as bio important in this because it is a very

  meticulous process to be a little through

  the uh...

  arterial supply and then any that you see his different almost every patient

  and to be able to recognize the strands and


  procedure that requires a lot of experience

  so then i feel very new and the patients are referred to us really consider using

  a knife on our patients to

  don't necessarily have another option

  and if they have a tumor that's right next to a very large blood vessel

  uh... something that we can't use radiofrequency ablation on weekends

  probably shimon and not a surgical candid

  and we can consider using nandonet because it leaves those blood vessels in

  large bile ducts were bal intact

  and um... work it's next to the year order or something along those lines

  those are all structures that you can't

  heat up or and or freeze because you'll destroy those tissues as well

  eventually mannequins will kill cells believes that structure in place

  so you can be right next to those structures you can believe across that

  blood vessel

  and that blood vessel continue flowing if you've got to murder comes right up

  and wraps around a blood vessel even a blade on either side of that

  you can use them in a night to collect tissue on either side of that the blood

  vessel will be endangered

  so those of the patients we use this in those patients that don't have another

  option or isn't that right next door critical structure that we can't

  find another technology

  reviews it alright you things we've used and sarcomas

  uh... we've used it on

  endometrial cancer aids fusion on you can use it on any type of cancer

  it will kill cells no matter where it's at

  so just a matter of of

  getting the protest if you can get into the creek location with the probes

  so that as of now and i for why dressings one

  these are patients who don't have another option

  they have no other options for treatment is not surgically accessible or not a

  searchable candidate

  it's next to structures that can't be safely treated with reprieve principal

  ational probably should

  uh... so that's the basic there's the other manages that it's a minimally

  invasive procedure

  there are

  small incisions that we make that we don't have to put state-run mandate

  placed on apt word

  who typically caper patients in overnight

  uh... just for any pain control if they are having any pain we have not had

  anybody that had any significant pain with this procedure

  that's also the wash them to make sure that i have any complications that


  uh... typically patients are sent home the next day

  uh... procedures performed under general anesthesia

  and so they're not

  put them under

  they wake up and it's all gone

  no significant pain or anything like that with him

  great minimally invasive

  we can go back and do it again if need be or for another tumor pops up

  somewhere else

  uh... that's is accessible or an energetic and before you can certainly

  go back and there's no

  limitation a number of times you could do it


  it's a very time intensive


  it's a very uh...

  has to be very precise to be a would do this we need to have high-quality

  imaging to be able to do this in

  we typically do this with the c_t_ scans not placer needles and to get the

  needles in the crack location and then we have to use that david to make a

  three-d_ image to be able to make your house at how far

  the distances between approach and then we input that

  information of the computer

  and we can just mention a paraplegic p_o_

  to be able to do that

  now type is

  here the reasons here at my god we uh... took place in town hasn't we were the

  first center and the state of ohio to happen

  there's no one else in town that has this

  ability to get would do this and reach these tumors that are otherwise


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